Midterm for “Public Sector Services”
Create by : Fajar Khoironi (201810050311197) Gov. Science D 1. There is an interesting thing said by Aristotle (Aristotle, Politics, AV, 1) that the State must care about the character of its citizens. Explain the state philosophy, democracy and public services as the fulfillment of human rights in the era of regional autonomy! Answer : Based on the 1945 Constitution, for the administration of government in the unitary state of Indonesia is divided into provincial regions, and provinces are further divided into regency and city areas. Each provincial, district and city area is a regional government that is given the authority to regulate and manage its own government affairs based on the principle of wide-ranging, real and responsible autonomy. In establishing regional regulations, the local government is in the process of designing a particular social situation in the future. Then there is also Article 18, Article 18A and Article 18B of the 1945 Constitution whic